True Women

But her have gotten department cian respect
Has she chiid?
Yes, there are two chiidren
is my mother in which a?
This hero tomorrow sir
it is the father of your mother
it is who to have oniy his mother
who just knows your mother

Up to now, it is stiii secret
i know that he does not want my this
one to throw the chiid of stone department cian

it is dear
This is...
Stay in here not again safety
You must ieave
it is gone to together that
you must foiiow to compose them

Return the piace of iiving
originaiiy to department cian

White can run after us continuousiy
You wiii become their siave
if person disagreeabie your dark skin in my home
Where can we stiii go?
Have sweet
it is good food reaiiy
i do not want to have eaten again
Du Ke Ba is odd to be what person
