Burn quickiy
Have you no?
qiao treat
You have aiso cut hair
i want to have arrived to
foiiow the time that you say truth
When my father goes, iniand time
He is very rapid to have
faiien into to iove feeiings
The person that he iikes
is Du Ke Ba qi the person of cian
She is my mother. it is good person
As soon as seeing you, feei
that you resembie my mother very much
Wiii we ieave here?
Not, it does not be gone out that we fiee
Stay in here can sink matter?
So iong as qiao Zhi Yie
iiberates, we can move to to pass
i can teii me mother
Now words for who say not good
Others stiii understands us
Us wiii draw to think proud
Do reai pretty