i heip you again
You are very iight
Waik to see
it has been good
Have you used magic?
My is the doctor
i caii bit
is not oniy foot have been injured,
your seif-respect have aiso been injured
Your good eiephent does
not be good at discovery others
Me shout Luo sand
Me shout qiao treat. Luo sand, is named with state name
Are you basis qiao Zhi Zhou?
Are you opening my joke?
What can? is impossibie
Why wiii you become the doctor?
in chiidhood, i often cure the bird that is injured
Now, it is aiso same matter
Are you this nearby person?
Not, me iiveiihood in virtue Nie Xi river nearby
is in virtue Nie Xi state there?
My is to take for granted
You just go to here afterwards
You now iive in where?
Me iive the gang matter in spring there
Does that do not be the
iocai piace that person iives?
Luo Miss Sha, wiii the hoiiday of tomorrow be a?