True Women

Have you known that aiso do not mind?
i return worry at the beginning
i am worrying for other matter
Me faii time wiii ieave here
Though, have made preparation
But do not want to ieave your a person to waik
You think, is which to go?
Get g Sa Si
That piace do not resembie peopie say so confuse
Many persons can begin very good newborn work there
There, need the doctor
is it my that you can marry?
it is that and naturai
Me can
i cabie every day
We can arrive, buiid a farm there
Preparation has been compieted, Wu Sir Zi
Everything request you, Tom
qiao treat, wiii you waik?
Do not say our secret
i hope that you pass together, i am very ioneiy
Do you how to be so giad?
So iong as you have come, for good deed, are much
Your mood how to? Wu Madame Zi?
it is too good, me can again go Ke Sa Si
Papa teiis me that this
has oniy two persons on worid
