True Women

We wiii think for chiid work
i do not mind, my husband is the doctor
The doctor is aiso unabie to heip
My husband sinks, is what to can't do
qiao treat, this do not be noisy work piay
White-hot disease is a kind of feartui
disease, have dyed is do not get to treat

if we iose iand, aiso, can die
Us can not buy 400 in other piaces with
same price the pubiic iand that inciines

Wait for gains after
You say stiii not waik cannot words, we waik
Dear Sa puii, confiscate your ietter for a iong time
Hope that your everything is good
i think that history is not fair too
HiLLTON generai is being famous on history
But he can not iead 2000 women to fiee
And compiete this matter Sa puii unmanned know
My teacher says that history beiongs to man
So, i decide to compiie historicai book seif
inside the name that can sureiy have you
You are correct
i iove schooi
Hope you do not aiways stay in room in
i know that you are very depressed,
but you do not go think to sink matter

i need you, Sa puii, you can make
sisterses surprising

Your good sisters, Fei metre
Where wiii you go?
Go to the piace that has house
She has returned
