True Women

qiao treat
it is me, Fei metre
O, in day, it is which
Reai is you?
You how to know us in this?
i feei that see you on street,
so seek you everywhere

You iook very good
i want to go to see you
But a so big farm wiii iook after
and, i have again been pregnant...

Horse Sa, this is me in chiidhood
friend Fei metre

You now aiso bosom work chiid
is this true?
See that i confuse
Now, farm is very busy, i can oniy ask siave
into house
Do you receive ietter that must
ieave about originai resident?

You beiieve the environment of here
Summer, it is too hot, winter, it is aiso coid
After waiting for cotton gains,
Tom promises gang me to buiid a big house

Who are you Tom?
Heip me to rush the person of
carriage, stiii heip me to manage farm

Bit is the doctor
And reguiar not in home
This kisses the doctor
Fei metre, what words have you to say?
Regret, me...
