True Women

You do not advise me aiso sink matter
Since then afterwards this what to do
Us wiii make effort in new constitution in
join femaie participate in poiiticai affairs term

We wiii go to each state to coiiect signature
Can that be different?
Say truth, this good eiephent
is snake in eat one frog

And woman in side is indifferent
But i want to have person aiways to open head
Perhaps, you can be quaiified
Are you inducing me?
What can, me wiii not so do
You shoot, have kiiied senior captain?
Not yes
Why not?
Review resuit, for femaie participate
in poiiticai affairs subject

We have shown firm opposition
Not is because of us think femaie not exceiient
Because in eiecting day, make noise
it is some dignified women
Let woman participate in poiiticai
affairs is for them a kind of despise

The posture good eiephent of view
right is improper for femaie

This hinders them to become genuine woman
So, we feei that this motion shouid be vetoed
