U Turn

Unbelievable. Fucking ...
That's for Mother Earth.
l'm about 50% lndian.

- Congratulations.
- Here's to all our relations.

- You want some?
- l'll pass.

The dog looks sick.
That's because he's dead.
l hope you wasn't patting him ...

- What do you want with a dead dog?
- He's only just dead.

What was l to do? Me and Jesse
have been pals since the war.

Come on, Jesse.
See you later, unless
l come across something worse.

- Need a hand, beautiful?
- l'm just going to my car.

- That's right on my way.
- Mother warned me about strangers.

l'm Bobby. Now we're not strangers.
See how easy that was, beautiful?

- Do you have to call me that?
- l don't know your name.

- Maybe l don't want you to.
- Then why did you stop walking?

- You're full of yourself.
- l like that about me.

- lt's Grace.
- Grace, can l carry your package?

- Can you manage? Shall l take that?
- No, it's no trouble.

- What happened to your hand?
- An accident.

You should be more careful.
lt's just drapes and curtain rods.

l got so tired of the old ones.
My mother made them.

l just knew l had to have these.
Ever felt you had to have something?
