Word is coming in of a possible
gas explosion in the MacArthur Park area.
We don't have any details as yet
as to the precise nature or size of the blast,
which is said to have injured
a number of city workers, some seriously.
- Rescue crews are responding at the site...
- Oh, God.
- What are you doing here?
- Got a call. Said Public Works lost 7 guys.
Freak accident on a storm drain job.
They hit a steam pocket and got scalded.
No fires, no explosions, no continuing threat.
We'll copy you on a report.
Steam did that?
Where's the survivor?
He's at Saint V's right now.
Critical, last time I checked,
but I'd like to notify the families before they
hear about it on Geraldo, if you don't mind.
Mind if I have a look for myself?
Roark... we'll copy.
- Mike! Mike!
- OK?
Stan! Get over here.
I wanna show you something.
How's the choo-choo behaving?
All right. This is where your problem is.
This... is your Red Line tunnel.
What I wanna do is shut down this section
just as a precaution until we know.
Why should we look bad
because DWP blew some pipes out?
Nothing blew down there, Olber.
They hit a steam pocket.
- Steam?
- Yeah.
The tunnel walls are five feet of concrete.
Where's the threat to my trains?
- Can we wrap this up?
- Maybe the earthquake tore something out.
- Shit.
- Let's find out before we...
You're only happy declaring an emergency!
No, I actually enjoy motor sports, music
and the company of close friends... sir.
30,000 people think they're taking the train
home tonight. What am I supposed to do?
Put on extra buses.
It's his mess. Let him take the shit for it.