...all around me
I can see rescue workers and body bags.
This is an awful tragedy for the families of
the workers who perished here this morning.
...intersection of7th and Alvarado.
Bodies are spread across the sidewalks.
We're told one worker did survive,
but his identity has not been released yet.
- 170 over 105.
- Let's give him some more morphine.
- Start another line of ringers.
- Let's cut away his burnt clothing.
Fran, look.
Steam doesn't char clothing like this.
This is a flame burn.
Something else.
The trouble was not caused by steam,
which, if you'll recall from our briefing
this morning, was our position all along.
This is such a bad idea, Mike.
This isn't OEM. This is DWP's show.
- I wanna know what's in that hole.
- Let Public Works send a crew in.
I can't wait three days for a report.
Can you, Gator?
- Hell, no.
- OK, let's go.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9
I'm the one that praised the land...
This is Emmit Reese.
Emmit Reese to Ground Control.
Los Angeles, do you copy?
Yeah, we copy. It's hot as hell down here.
You all right?
Is it too late to switch jobs with Emmit?
He doesn't want your job.
He wants mine, Gator.
Yes, and a company car, Mike.
Don't forget that.
- OK, we're coming up... Whoa!
- Look at that. A rat!
OK, we're coming up on the storm drain now.