Damn, Gator! I'm cooked, too.
So are you. Emmit, this is no good.
Let's get outta here!
What the hell's going on?
Hah! Shit!
Get LAPD to clear everybody
out of this park. You all right?
Call Olber
before we lose a coupla trains down there.
Close off everything in this sector, gas lines...
Mike, what's going on?
Big jet of gas coming up outta that tube.
Sparks, hot as hell.
He ain't lying.
Find me a scientist! Somebody
that can tell me what the hell is going on!
Got it.
Situated on Wilshire Boulevard's
famous Museum Row,
the La Brea Tar Pits are one of the
LA Basin's most active geological features.
Here for the past 40,000 years
a deep fissure in the Earth's crust
has allowed oily tar and methane to bubble
up to the surface from far underground.
Evidence of the ceaseless activity
below our very feet.
The 22-storey Beverly Heights
apartment building will open on schedule
in spite of construction delays.
That's the word
from developer Norman Calder.
Many see the new land mark tower
as a sign the LA economy's on the rebound.
Now here's Jere Laird
with the rest of the business news.