
of those seven public workers.
Take a look at this.
OK. Um, what am I looking at?
That lake was 62 degrees yesterday.
Today it's up to 68.

- Yeah, it's a sunny day.
- It is lovely, isn't it?

It takes a geological event to heat a million
gallons of water by six degrees in 12 hours.

What is a geological event?
I'm sure you're aware of this,
that our continents sit on tectonic plates.

- Great big rafts on an ocean of molten rock.
- Yeah.

When they shift, like they did this morning,
we get an earthquake. OK?

Same mechanism
can sometimes open a fissure, sometimes.

Magma can find
one of those fissures and rise up through it.

What's magma?
- Lava.
- Lava? Uh, here in LA?

It's one of several possibilities.
It is unlikely, but it is a possibility.
We have a history of that
in the downtown area?

Paracutin, 1943, a Mexican farmer
sees smoke coming out of his cornfield.

A week later there was a volcano 1,000ft high.
There's no history of anything
until it happens, then there is.

Well, thanks, ladies.
enjoy your day in the park.
- Ooh, yeah, that was subtle.
- What? You want me to humor him?

He asked us for a hypothesis.
You have a better one?

It's lava.
Lava, hm.
Hey, hey, that's me!
My God, I'm gonna call my mom.

- Uh-huh.
- I'm on the TV, man!

Excuse me.
You invited us, remember?
You want me to call Olber
and tell him the demonstrable risk is lava?

- Just give me time to do my work.
- Cos a lake went up a few degrees?!

No, because seven men baked to death
and nobody knows why.

MTA does not answer to the city.
I cannot go to the mat with them
unless you know something.

I do know something,
just not with any certainty.
Is that the company line?
