l'm gonna need a day.
He's sick.
Get that out now.
Tell the jackals how sick he is.
We gotta get that out
before the story breaks.
lssue a bulletin.
He's got some rare strain--
-Won't hold.
-l need running time.
lt won't hold a day.
lt will.
l'll tell you why.
Why is the president in China?
-Trade relations.
-You're right.
lt's got nothing to do
with the B-3 bomber.
-There is no B-3 bomber.
-l just said that.
l don't know why
these rumors get started.
l need $20,000.
l need a car.
Get me a car and driver.
The southwest gate.
What is it?
Campaign commercial.
Should we look at it?
Put it in.
This should be interesting.
What is it?
The other side's new commercial.
The Neal commercial.
We had somebody steal it.
This'll be on the air
the day after tomorrow.
ln the final days
of the campaign...
has the president
changed his tune?
Thank heaven for little girls.
The presidency is about honor.
Thank heaven for little girls.
lt's about principles.
Without them,
what would little boys do?
lt's about integrity.
This tune has got to change.
On election day,
vote Neal for president.
Oh, boy.
Who's gonna take
the press conference today?
ls there a press conference
What do you think?
We have to use this
as a base of operations.
l'm gonna need one, two days.
Whoever's leaking that stuff
to the Post lets it slip...
"l hope this won't
screw up the B-3 program."
"What B-3 program,
and why should it screw it up?"
"lf the president
deploys the B-3...
"before it's fully tested..."
"Deploy the B-3
before it's fully tested?"