"The crisis."
-What crisis?
-l'm working on that.
Get General Scott
and the Joint Chiefs of Staff...
and put them
on a plane to Seattle.
He's nervous to talk
to the Boeing people.
-But what?
There isn't a B-3 bomber.
-Where'd you go to school?
Then show a little spunk.
There is no B-3 bomber.
General Scott,
to your knowledge...
is not in Seattle
to talk to Boeing.
lt won't prove out.
lt doesn't have to prove out.
We just gotta distract them.
Got less than two weeks
till the election.
What in the world would do that?
l'm working on it.
Winifred, Mr. Brean.
-What's this?
l gotta go to L.A.
and see a Hollywood producer.
Meet me at National in an hour.
We'll go to Chicago
and connect there to L.A.
See you at National.
Tell me this again.
We landing?
Tell me again.
Don't worry.
lt's nothing new.
During Reagan's administration,
240 Marines killed in Beirut.
24 hours later,
we invade Grenada.
That was their M.O.
Change the story,
change the lead.
lt's not a new concept.
Wake me when we land.
We'll talk more.
We can't afford a war.
We're not having a war.
We're having
the appearance of a war.
We cannot afford it.
-What'll it cost?
-But they would find out.
Who's gonna find out?
The American people?
Who's gonna tell them?
What did they find out
about the Gulf War?
One video of one bomb
falls down a chimney.
The building could have been
made out of Legos.
-You want us to go to war?
-That's the general idea.
With who?
l'm working on it.