Why not?
What do you know about them?
They seem shifty, standoffish.
Who knows from Albania?
Who trusts Albanians?
What did Albania ever do to us?
What did they do for us?
This is why we have to
mobilize the B-3 bomber.
You really want to go
to war with Albania?
We don't have a choice.
This is what you do.
Get your press office
right now to deny it.
lt didn't happen.
"There is no report
of Albanian activity."
They have to deny it.
-lt didn't happen.
...news from the president
on his visit to China.
Another sort of news, however...
has emerged
from the presidential quarter.
We turn to Melissa Gardner
at KZAB in Santa Fe...
with this breaking news.
Thanks, Richard.
Today a local Firefly Girl...
accused the president
of sexual misconduct.
This photo of the president
with the girls...
was taken during their tour
of the White House.
The girl claims
that the sexual misconduct...
occurred inside the Oval Office.
Her attorney says
there are no plans yet...
to hold a press conference.
Folks in Santa Fe
and the rest of America...
are waiting for a response
from the White House...
on these harsh allegations.
With the election days away,
the big question is...
how much will this scandal
affect the outcome?
Top people, Albanian desk.
l don't know, either,
but we probably have one.
Roust them out of bed.
Albanian desk, ClA, NSA.
Roust them, sirens blaring.
l know they're gonna be up
in an hour.
l want them up now.
Tell your staff...
General Scott in Seattle?
l don't think his trip
has to do with the B-3 bomber.
l'll have to ask you
to turn that off.
lt'll just be a second.
There are no electronics
on the plane.
l have to ask you
to turn that off.
lt'll just take two seconds.
We've said flat out
there is no B-3 bomber.
l understand.
lf it is true, he should,
he must step down...
and if it's not true,
then he must...