You wouldn't be here
if it wasn't true.
Really, who could say?
l like the guy.
He signed his book to me...
"For two generations--"
What was it?
"For progress to occur,"
l think he said.
Two Generations to Agree, yes.
That's what he inscribed.
How'd you know that?
That's the title of the book.
That's the title?
For Progress to Occur
lt's Necessary for Two--
That's a terrible title.
You're right.
For Two Generations to Agree.
That is the title.
l never looked at the cover.
l just looked
at what he wrote to me.
When you get the time,
read the cover.
John Levy is expected to respond
to the allegations...
of sexual misconduct
by the president.
This guy is fucked.
What one has to do, Mr. Motss,
is fight a holding action.
They'll run this man
through the shredder.
lf we hold the break
in the dam till the election...
we got a chance.
You can't hold the dam.
l don't get
what you want me to do.
...advised him to stay
in China for one or two days.
During that time,
of course, we'll remain--
But he's gotta
come back sometime.
What is one or two days
gonna buy you?
Look at all those hands.
Brer Rabbit
couldn't get out of this.
Would you comment please
on the rumors...
that the president's delay...
is due to the situation
in Albania?
There is...
l'm not aware of the situation
to which you refer.
We've just learned
that the State Department...
has set up a special Albanian
task force at Ops Center.
Mr. Sklansky, l am--We have--
Mrs. Rose?
Early this morning,
General Scott flew to Seattle.
ls his trip connected
with the B-3 bomber?
To the best of my knowledge,
there is no B-3 bomber.