You bought yourself one day,
maybe two.
All l need
is 11 till the election.
This isn't gonna hold
for 11 days.
-The guy fucked a Girl Scout.
-A Firefly Girl.
He fucked a Firefly Girl.
What are you gonna do
to hold that off?
l'm gonna get my veggie shake.
What do you think
would hold it off?
You'd have to have a war.
You're kidding.
You're not kidding.
l'm in show business.
Why come to me?
l'll tell you why.
"54, 40, or fight."
What does that mean?
-lt's a slogan.
-"Remember the Maine."
"Tippecanoe and Tyler, too."
They're war slogans.
We remember the slogans,
not the wars.
You know why?
That's show business.
That's why we're here.
Naked girl, covered in napalm.
"V" for victory.
5 Marines raising the flag,
Mount Surabachi.
You remember the picture
in 50 years, but forget the war.
The Gulf War, smart bomb
falling down a chimney.
2,500 missions a day, 100 days.
One video of one bomb.
The American people
bought that war.
War is show business.
That's why we're here.
What do you do
for the president?
Why Albania?
Why not?
They gotta know at some point.
The public.
They gotta know?
Get with it.
Who killed Kennedy?
l read the first draft
of the Warren Report.
Says he was killed
by a drunk driver.
The Gulf War.
What do you see day after day?
The one smart bomb
falling down a chimney.
The truth?
l was in the building
when we shot that shot.
We shot it in a studio
in Falls Church, Virginia.
1/10 scale model of a building.
ls that true?
How do we know?
You take my point?
All right.
You want me to do what?