What do we have
that they want?
-Why would they want that?
-Fuck freedom.
They want to destroy
the godless Satan.
They want to destroy
our way of life.
All right?
The president is in China.
He is dealing with the dispatch
of the B-3 bomber to Albania.
Why? Help me.
We found out they have the bomb.
-That's good.
-And...wait a second.
The bomb's not there...
because they'd have to have
a rocket and that shit.
They are a bunch of wogs.
Cross that out.
lt's a suitcase bomb.
l didn't know l said that.
lt's a suitcase bomb.
You don't need missiles.
You can put a bomb
in a suitcase.
That's good.
A suitcase bomb.
lt's a suitcase bomb.
When it's cooking, it's cooking.
We're cooking, and it's in...
Canada. All right?
Albanian terrorists
have placed a suitcase bomb...
in Canada in an attempt
to infiltrate it into the USA.
-That's good.
-That's terrific.
l'll tell you why.
lt is cost effective.
lt's producing.
That's what it is.
-lt's really great.
-l could tell you stories.
Cecil B. De Mille,
The Greatest Show on Earth...
he needs an elephant.
l got the president on the line.
One minute.
Needs an elephant for a reshoot.
Know what he does?
Ames here. Yes, sir?
You listening?
-Nobody's listening.
-l'm listening.
-The suitcase bomb.
-Good title for a movie.