Are you shitting me?
King, got a thing here,
product placement.
Of course there's a back end.
-lt can't be a ribbon.
-What's wrong with a ribbon?
AlDS has
the yellow ribbon thing.
Fuck ribbons.
Our neighbor to the north...
all of a sudden transformed
into that place from whence...
like the north wind,
terror comes.
l like that. Keep talking.
What guards us against Canada?
l guard the Canadian border.
Mounties guard the border.
Mountie hats.
Stupid fucking hats.
Davy Crockett had a hat.
You could crush them
and put them in your pocket.
You can't put a mountie hat
in your pocket.
You see this?
This is what producing is.
You put me in a room
with talent...electric.
l'm thinking armbands.
-Armbands is good.
-l'm thinking green.
Last year, the number one color
in new cars was green.
-People like green.
Hunter green.
Strong, pride, dignity.
Not Kelly green.
l like it with a hat.
-You see that?
Sit on my lap if you love me...
but don't put your hand
down there.
l didn't mean--
We'll take a short nap.
l thought you should see it.
lt shouldn't be a song.
l'm glad that your mama's
not here.
Don't do a song about it.
l thought it was funny.
Sit on my lap...
l don't think it's appropriate
for what we're doing.
l just meant for you to see it.
l guard the Canadian border.
The president spent the weekend
pressing the flesh.
He wasn't campaigning.
He was dating, actually.
Change this. Thank you.
Behind the mention of Albania,
of his stomach flu...
taking refuge these scant days
away from the election.