He's mobilizing the sixth fleet.
Can l talk to him?
He's mobilizing the sixth fleet.
l hate it
when they start to meddle.
Can we have a white one?
He wants a white one.
Thank you.
Are we ready yet?
How soon can we get this cut?
4 or 5 hours.
That's good.
We can leak that to the press...
they can downlink it
on Tel star 401, transporter 21.
Makes you glad
you've lived this long.
This just in--a special report
from the Albanian front.
We've just received
the young Albanian national
fleeing in this video...
is attempting to escape
terrorist reprisals...
in her village.
America has seldom witnessed...
a more poignant picture
of the human race...
They used the same process...
with the last
Schwarzenegger movie.
lsn't that amazing
how they do that?
This is only the beginning.
Wait till we get the song.
Then you got the song, image,
merchandising tie-ins.
This is only the beginning.
We were right.
You're the man.
To the beginning.
Got your car.
l hate it
when they send these long ones.
-Did you make the turn OK?
-Not a problem.
l'm sorry.
You think it's too ostentatious?
Just fine. l'll stretch out.
Good. Just make due.
l'll see you in Nashville.
Go with the two-tone hat.
l don't care.
You work it out.
You. You must have had
similar situations in the past.
There are unconfirmed reports
from a reliable source...
that things are in motion.