You saved our bacon.
lt was just a...
a phenomenal performance.
You turned them around.
They hadn't thought it through.
He's moving across the tarmac.
But it appears something
has distracted the president...
and he has stopped moving
toward the waiting motorcade.
There's a little girl...
trying to speak
to the president.
lt seems she's speaking in--
ls it Albanian?
Can we get someone
to translate?
l think what she is saying...
is that this wheat offering
is sort of ceremonial...
and that it is
the first sheaf...
the first cut of the harvest.
l'm not proficient
in Albanian...
but the old woman
is quite taken...
as the president
is offering her the coat.
lt is quite
an emotional moment here.
There comes a time...
in the course of human events...
when a threat
must be answered...
with courage and strength.
Our forefathers earned...
the right to be free.
Now it's time...
to guard their dream.
We guard...
our American borders.
We guard...
the American dream.
We guard our right...
to fight for democracy...
and keep our country free.
We guard...
our American spirit.