We're kinda locked into it,
Mr. President.
For the future
of our families...
The music.
Where did they get that?
-Pain in the ass.
He won't do the speech.
What do you mean?
What choice does he have?
He won't do the speech?
He says it's corny.
lt's what? lt's corny?
Of course it's corny.
We wouldn't have him say it
if it wasn't.
lt's not a question.
This is the center
for rest of the thing.
Don't tell me it's corny.
We're locked into the speech,
We're locked in.
We are playing way past this.
We are past this.
This is what l need.
Get me 30 secretaries
and put them in an office now.
l need to see the president.
l need 5 minutes.
Know what this reminds me of?
Years ago, when l first
went out to Hollywood...
they said,
"lt's too theatrical."
l was from the theater.
Everything was over their heads.
He thinks it's corny.
Don't tell me it's corny.
Tell him l'm comin'.
My fellow Americans,
l thank a merciful God...
and l am sure
each and every one of us...
will thank that Supreme Power...
whatever we conceive
that power to be...
that peace is at hand.
The threat of nuclear terrorism
has been quelled.
Mr. President, l'm using
a little more projection...
because l think this speech
needs a little umph.
Bear with me.
Thank you so much.
That was so moving.