
Now, why don't you
follow me over here?

Great lecture
you gave last night.

We're truly honoured
to have you visit us.

If you'd like to step in here.
There you go, sir.
I thought
I was descending into hell.

But with these angel faces
to greet me,

it must be paradise.
Is this the way
to my personal seam?

I should have preferred gold.
Purple and gold.
But we live
in a silver age, alas.

So much that is
exquisitely beautiful

is wrought from suffering,
from pain, from toil.

Broken bones
and blistered skin.

Benvenuto Cellini
understood silver.

He took the metal
that you mine so nobly down here

and transformed it
into works of art

for popes and princes.
Cellini, is he a wop?
A Renaissance man.
In every sense.

The greatest silversmith
the world has ever seen.

But a genius in life
as well as art.

He experimented
with every vice known to man.

He committed murder...
He killed a man?
More than one.
Thank you.
I'd like to meet this Cellini.
Why didn't you bring him?

I'm afraid he's dead.
Who shot him?
