Ernest proposed to me
under that statue.
The things that go on
in front of works of art
are quite appalling.
The police should interfere.
We were made not to marry.
Whereas you and Constance
are so happy.
Everyone says so.
It's perfectly monstrous
how people say things
behind one's back
that are absolutely true.
Your audience has proved
as responsive as you hoped?
Receptive, yes.
I always wonder
what she's thinking.
I expect
it's about the baby.
Constance is such
a natural mother,
she's invited Robbie
into the nest
while his parents are abroad.
Robbie is Canadian.
You can tell by his youth.
Have you been brought
to England to mature, Mr Ross?
That was the idea.
But it doesn't seem
to be working.
I've lived here
since I was three
and you see
the pitiful result.
Robbie comes from a long line
of imperial governors.
His grandfather was
Prime Minister of Upper Canada.
Or was it Lower Canada?
The British take their
class system wherever they go.
They apply it
even to continents.
Are you planning
to govern a continent?
Oh, no.
I don't even plan
to govern myself.
All look the same to me.
Hello! Hello, sir!
If I give you these, my love,
I'll see if I can find a cab.
Coming through!
Mind your backs!
Looking for someone?