
I'm dining
with the Asquiths.

Come on, now.
Do you love me?
I feel...
like a city that's been...
under siege for 20 years.
Suddenly the gates
are thrown open and...

the citizens come pouring out.
To breathe the air
and walk the fields

and pluck the wild flowers.
I feel...
You don't worry
about Constance?

Every afternoon,
on their way home from school,

the children used to play
in the garden
of the Selfish Giant.

The garden where we play?
No. This one's
much larger and lovelier

with soft green grass.
There's grass where we go.
Yes, but are there
12 peach trees

that burst into blossoms
of pink and pearl in springtime

and bear rich fruit
in the autumn?

Are there, Mama?
I don't think there are,
Cyril, no.

Could you hand me
a matchstick, darling?

I'll put this hussar's
head back on. Thank you.

The birds sat on the trees
and sang so sweetly

that the children used to stop
their games to listen.

"How happy we are here,"
they said to each other.
