
Heavens. I must fly.
The horses of Apollo are pawing
impatiently at the gates.

I beg your pardon?
Papa must go.
You will come back
and finish the story?

Of course I will.
Come on, Cyril.
It's almost tea-time.

I really don't know
why people bother

painting portraits any more.
You can get a much better
likeness with a photograph.

But a photograph's
just one moment in time.

One gesture,
one turn of the head.

Yes. Portraits
are not likenesses, Mr Gray.

Painters show the soul
of the subject.

The essence.
The essence
of the sitter's vanity,
you mean.

Well, this is a portrait
of Lady Battersby
as a young woman.
She's over there
as a matter of fact.
I must go and console her.
How nice to see you.
Poor thing.
I expect in her heart
she thinks she still
looks like this.

If we could look young
and innocent forever.

D'you think we'd want to?
If our souls were ugly, yes.
Give a man a mask
and he'll tell you the truth.

Have we had enough of this?
Shall we go and have
dinner somewhere?
