"They used to wander
round the high wall
"when their lessons were over
"and talk about
the beautiful garden inside.
"'How happy we were there! '
"they said to each other. "
I hope he was a very
beautiful boy.
Well, pretty.
You know - in a street Arab
sort of way.
There's no point being
blackmailed by an ugly one.
What's tiresome is,
he's threatening to show
my letters to my father.
Who will show them
to all his friends,
for the excellence
of their style.
No, you don't know him.
He's a brute.
He carries a whip
wherever he goes.
He used to beat my mother.
He beat my brothers.
He thrashed me from the age...
My dear boy!
Of course,
he's practically illiterate.
He probably won't understand
the letters, anyway.
By an unforgivable oversight,
I've never been
blackmailed myself,
but all my friends assure me
that a hundred pounds
will usually suffice.
Really? God, I...
You promise?
Mm. Leave it to Lewis.
George Lewis, my solicitor.
He knows what he's doing.
He acts for
the Prince of Wales.
# Ah, leave me not to pine
# Alone and desolate
# No fate seemed fair as mine
# No happiness so great
Isn't he killing, Mr Wilde?
He's perfect.
He's perfect in every way.
#... And sung in accents clear
# This joyous roundelay