
But you give renters
cigarette cases.

But I've lavished
presents on you!

Every penny I've earned
from my play,

- I've spent on you!
- I'm sure you've been counting.

You're so mean.
And penny-pinching
and middle-class.

All you can think about
is your bank balance!

For God's sake,
this is intolerable!

No gentleman ever has
the slightest idea

what his bank balance is!
You're absurd!
Telling everyone
how they ought to live.

You're so vulgar!
I never want to
see you again. Ever.

If that's what
you want, then go!

Go on, go! Get out!
Get out!
But in the
farthest corner of the garden,

it was still winter,
and in it was standing
a little boy.

He was so small
he could not reach up
to the branches of the tree.

"Climb up, little boy,"
said the tree.

But the little boy was too tiny.
Egypt is lovely
this time of year.

But you mustn't
idle your time away.

Oh, Mother.
And... I want you
to promise me something.

Not to write to Oscar Wilde.
I can't do that.
- Bosie...
- I love Oscar.

I love him as a disciple
loves his teacher.

But he's not fit
to teach anything.

He's evil.
Do you really think
your own son

could love someone evil?
I just wish
I could love Oscar

as loyally, devotedly,
unselfishly and purely

as he loves me.
But I'm not as good
as he is.

I probably never will be.
Goodbye, then.
