
But which of us can give it?
# We wish you a merry Christmas
# And a happy New Year
# Good tidings we bring
# To you and your kin
# We wish you a merry Christmas
# And a happy New Year! #
Cracker time!
It is cracker time.
Oh, I won this time!
And the giant's heart melted
as he looked out.
"How selfish I have been,"
he said.

"Now I know why the Spring
would not come here.

"I will put that little boy
on top of the tree

"and I will
knock down the wall

"and my garden shall be
the children's playground

"for ever and ever. "
He was really very sorry
for what he had done.
This is really nice.
So he crept downstairs
and opened the front door
quite softly

and went out into the garden.
The little boy
did not run away

for his eyes
were so full of tears

that he did not see
the giant coming.

And the giant stole up
behind him

and took him gently
by the hand

and put him up into the tree.
And the tree broke at once
into blossom

and the birds came
and sang on it

and the little boy
stretched out his two arms

and flung them round
the giant's neck

and kissed him.
Oh, I don't care
what people think!

I love you!
It's all that
matters to me.

It was agony
being away from you.
