love and admire you.
But you're throwing
your genius away.
For what?
It's highly ironic.
Queensberry thinks Bosie and I
are locked in nightly embrace.
In reality,
we've been the purest model
of Greek love since...
Bosie doesn't like
doing it with me.
I've loved him.
- I've educated him.
- But he's never grown up.
And he never will.
I'm not taking him
back, Robbie.
Not again.
I can't.
I've been very foolish,
very fond.
And, uh... now I must
grow up myself.
Oh, please
don't do that.
You're an artist.
Artists are always
children at heart.
Oh, Robbie.
I sometimes
wonder if...
My God.
Francis Douglas.
- What?
- Bosie's brother.
He's been found shot.
He's dead.
He's just got engaged.
Poor, poor Bosie.
He'll be utterly distraught.
He killed himself.
It was my father.
He drove him to it.
I'm sure your father's
just as upset as everyone else.
No, he's not.
He says it's a judgement
on Rosebery and my mother.