
- He's gone away.
- To the country.

I'm sure
he'll be back soon.

Oscar, look...
you couldn't let us have
something, could you?

Bit short at the moment
and... you know.
Of course. Of course.
Here's half a sovereign.
Take good care
of that letter.

Lord Alfred's going to
publish it in sonnet form

in his new magazine.
For fuck's sake!
it's no good trying to rent you.
You just laugh at us.
Thank you.
He can be very
careless, Lord Alfred.

What a wonderfully
wicked life you lead.

You boys!
You boys!

Where is he?
Mr Wilde
is not receiving guests.

Where is he?
Excuse me, sir,
there's a gentleman...

Listen to me.
You're a BUGGER!
I don't allow people
to talk to me like that

in my own house,
Lord Queensberry.

Or anywhere else.
I suppose you've come
to apologise

for the lies you've been
spreading about me.

I've come to tell you
to leave my son alone,
you sodomite!

The Marquess
appears obsessed

with other people's
sexual activities.

It is anything to do with
his new wife, I wonder,

seeking divorce
for non-consummation?

Unless you swear to have
nothing more to do with Bosie,

I shall go to Scotland Yard.
You can go to the devil!
You and your...
Who is this gargoyle?

You're a queer!
And a sham! A poseur!
If I catch you and Bosie
together again,

I'll give you such a thrashing!
I believe Lord Queensberry
once invented some rules
for boxing.

I've no idea what they are.
But the Oscar Wilde rule
is to shoot on sight.
