A sod!
You remember that!
I always told you,
my name was Ernest,
didn't I?
Well, it is Ernest
after all.
I mean, it naturally
is Ernest!
Yes, I remember now
that the General
was called Ernest.
I knew I had some
particular reason
for disliking the name.
Ernest. My own Ernest!
I knew from the first
you could've had
no other name.
Gwendolen, it's a terrible thing
for a man to find out suddenly
that all his life,
he has been speaking
nothing but the truth.
Can you forgive me?
I can, for I see
you are sure to change.
My own one!
Frederick! At last!
Cecily! At last!
Gwendolen! At last!
My nephew, you seem
to be displaying
signs of triviality.
On the contrary,
Aunt Augusta.
I've now realised
for the first time in my life,
the vital Importance
of Being Ernest.
Alan, you were
Thank you all
so much!
They're calling for you.
You must come on.
- No, please.
- Come on!