
You'll fight these
English Philistines.

And you will win.
And even if you lose,
if you go to prison,
you'll always be my son.
Of course, it's too late
to change that now.

If you go, Oscar,
I'll never speak to you again.
No-one will ever speak
to me again

whatever I do.
Of course I'm your son,

Which is why,
even if I lose,
the English will never
forget me.

Is his mother with him?
Is Lady Wilde there?
Lady Wilde!
Get out of my way!
Get out! Get out!
Take me away,
as fast as you can.

Lady Wilde!
Have you anything to say
about your son's disgrace,
Lady Wilde?

Have you
anything to say?

Come in.
Mr Wilde, I believe.
Yes, yes.
We have a warrant here
for your arrest

on a charge of committing
indecent acts.

I recommend
Switzerland as soon as possible.

You will have to change
your name, of course.
