Not if all the time...
I didn't know.
"Know thyself",
I used to say.
I didn't know myself.
I-I didn't know.
I suppose you want a divorce.
You have every reason.
I've been thinking,
when you do come out...
When they let you out,
you can go to
Switzerland or Italy
write another play,
get yourself back.
You CAN.
You're so clever, you CAN.
I don't want a divorce.
Will you ever let me
see the children again?
Of course.
But there must be one condition.
Oscar, you must never
see Bosie again.
If I saw Bosie now...
I'd kill him.
The children love you, Oscar.
They'll always love you.
Did... did anyone tell you?
They've been performing Salome
in Paris.