I know not
whether laws be right
Or whether laws be wrong
All that we know who lie in gaol
Is that the wall is strong
And that each day is like a year
A year whose days are long
Yet each man kills
the thing he loves
By each, let this be heard
Some do it with a bitter look
Some with a flattering word
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword
Some kill their love
when they are young
And some when they are old
Some strangle
with the hands of lust
Some with the hands of gold
The kindest use a knife
Because the dead so soon
grow cold.
I'm sure we can find
an hotel near here.
Somewhere where
you can work.
I've decided to see him
again, Robbie.
I thought you might.
I've nothing left.
I've lost my wife.
I've lost my children.
They won't allow me
to see them now.
No-one will ever read my plays
or books again.
Yes, they will.
Bosie loves me more than
he loves anyone else.