A Bright Shining Lie

Running down your breast
And your friends, baby
They treat you like a guest
Ready, aim, fire!
Present arms!
Excuse me.
I'd come to say good-bye.
Vietnam tore us apart.
We went there believing in
freedom and democracy...

but somehow we lost
our moral compass.

How did we let it happen?
A decade ago,
things seemed so much clearer.

$$"Eat ln Your Car"
$$"For Colored Only"
These are extraordinary times...
and we face
an extraordinary challenge.

Our strength
as well as our convictions...

have imposed upon this nation
the role of leader...

in freedom's cause.
It is a contest
of will and purpose...

as well as force and violence.
And in that contest
we cannot stand aside.

Gentlemen, to West Berlin...
and next year Moscow.
West Berlin,
you boys'll never fire a shot.

No shit.
Ben, do you want to tell me
what you did so wrong to pull Vietnam?
