Vietnam's exotic little war...
was about to turn into a quagmire.
Banking right 45 degrees.
Heading 1-5-2-4 south. Over.
Roger that.
Thumper, this is Colonel Bogie.
What's your E.T.A.? Over.
Roger, Colonel Bogie.
This is Thumper.
We're about 30 seconds away
from objective.
Roger that.
There's a big tree line east of the LZ.
Tell your boss to stay
at least 300 yards away from that.
Okay. Over.
Okay, reposition.
Come back around.
Hawkeye, get those tracks on line and
be ready to move when I give the order.
Roger that.
You're headed for the tree line.
Take your three birds out to the west
behind the tree cover.
Colonel Bogie,
this is chopper four.
We're swinging west
of the target zone. Over.
Thumper, I want you to put
your two birds down to the east.
We're coming in from the east
toward the LZ now.
100 feet, dropping down to 50.
Thumper, you're too goddamn close!
Thumper, you're too close.
Get back!
You're overshooting the LZ.
Go around!