A Bright Shining Lie

Well, sir, the red areas indicate
current Vietcong concentration.

We control these areas.
Sir, I'd have to argue that.
- Who've you talked to about this?
- No one, sir.

Now, you get this straight.
Outback was a victory.

We took the objective.
We drove off the enemy.

Everybody knows
ours had beaten theirs.

- We lost 88 men, sir--
- Don't lecture me!

You spread defeatist nonsense
outside this room...

I will have you court-martialed.
And the charges this time
will stick.

I want that overlay.
- Steve.
- Hey, John.

- Thanks for meeting me.
- My pleasure.

Did you see this?
"An lmportant Victory."
$$"At Ap Bac - 101 VC Dead"
So what's the truth?
The most miserable damn performance
I've ever seen.

Would you be willing
to talk about this?

Somebody has to.
I know you have a military career,
and if we do this thing...

a lot of people
are going to read it.

I understand.
Start writing.

South Vietnamese Command has no interest
in fighting the communists.

The ordinary soldiers are willing,
but their officer's priority...

is to protect Diem's regime rather than
to stop communist insurgency.

What about all those things
that we get?

The casualty figures,
battle reports, the briefings?

The numbers are all phony.
They make 'em up.

These battles are a joke.
