In short, we must harness
the peasant revolution...
to defeat the communist revolution.
Thank you.
- Outstanding, Colonel.
- Thank you, sir.
I'm going to recommend that
the Joint Chiefs hear this briefing...
as soon as possible.
That's great news.
$$"Chairman - Joint Chiefs Of Staff"
Lieutenant Colonel Vann
to see the Joint Chiefs.
- Please have a seat.
- Thank you.
Lieutenant Colonel Vann
to see you, sir.
- Great to meet you, Colonel Vann.
- A real pleasure to be here.
I'm sorry I didn't get in touch with you
sooner. Your briefing's been canceled.
I was assured that I would have
an audience with the Joint Chiefs.
It appears there was
a conflict in scheduling...
and the chairman is anxious
to hear your briefing at a later date.
The old guard closed ranks
and shut him out.
Vann resigned.
His military career was ruined.
That's what he led us to believe,
but John Paul Vann had no career.
He was an outcast...
a man whose dark past had denied him the
General's stars he thought he deserved.
Where the hell were you last night?
Don't lie to me!
I know where you were!
- Wait a minute, honey. Come on.
- To hell with this.
- Honey, wait.
- You are a liar!
You are a goddamn cheat,
and you will never change!
- Don't do this now.
- I'm not finished!
I'm so sick of putting up this front
for you, for your career.
Your career?
You screwed yourself
out of your career years ago.
We are gonna do something,
or I am outta here.