A Bright Shining Lie

Come in, Mrs. Vann.
- I think we've made some progress here.
- Good.

Your husband has been
quite forthright...

about his lapses.
If I could just explain something.
Often when military men
get put in pressure situations...

they find themselves
in a difficult position.

They see sex
as a kind of an outlet.

It's a release.
It's almost unconscious,
you might say.

I thought we came here
to be honest with each other.

I am being honest.
Did he tell you
about the housemaids in Japan?

Well, Mrs. Vann,
we didn't go into every specific case.

Oh, not every specific case.
How about the baby-sitter
in Kansas?

Go on and tell him.
Mrs. Vann,
I don't think it's productive.

This is a very specific case.
He slept with our baby-sitter.
She was 15 years of age.
She told the Army.
He was gonna be court-martialed...
until he asked me to lie for him.
No more lies, please?
- Tell him about your mother.
- That's enough.

Please, tell him about Myrtle.
This is where it all came from.
We can talk it out. Please!

Mr. Vann, maybe you would like to talk
a little bit about this.

That's it.
