A Civil Action

and we have to be choosy because,
frankly, we can't afford to lose.

We pay everything. We only get paid
if we win or settle.

- I know.
- You want an apology.

And I'd love to get you
that apology, but from who?

Who is going to apologise to you and
pay me?

There has to be a defendant
with very deep pockets.

This is not
an inexpensive case to try.

There's an old tannery out there.
A tannery?
And some other small factories.
I really wish I could help you
but I can't. I'm sorry.

Maybe you could go out to
the river, to the wells, and look.

For what?
What would that accomplish?

I do hope you find someone.
And I am sorry.

- Thank you very much.
- Drive carefully.
