A Civil Action

Lawsuits are war -
it's as simple as that.

And they begin the same way,
with a declaration of war -

the complaint.
When you're a small firm
and they're big,

steeped in history and wealth,
with Persian carpets on the floor
and Harvard diplomas on the walls,
it's easy to be intimidated.
Don't - that's what they want.
That's what they expect,
like all bullies.

That's how they win.
I don't run away from bullies.
Mr Facher...
Mr Doyle asked
me to bring this to you.

- When did he ask me?
- Yeah.

Just now.
On your lunch break?
That hardly seems fair.

I almost never go to lunch, sir.
Too much to do.

I just grab something.
You know, I'd make a point
of taking an hour or so

away from all the noise
and insanity.

I should do that.
I'd find a place that was
relatively quiet and peaceful,

have a sandwich, read a magazine.
Maybe listen to a game
if one was on.

I'd make sure everyone knew not
to disturb me during that hour.

Because that would be my time -
my own private time,
