were drawn into the city wells here
and Well H over there,
and then pumped
into east Woburn homes.
So I'll need to inspect
and map the debris,
drill some monitoring wells,
conduct seismic tests, and so on.
And you're talking about you
and a couple of assistants?
No. I mean a team of
geologists and engineers.
- A team?
- A big team.
It's actually quite exciting.
The nature of the contour
here means there's an effect -
named after me, actually...
In the shop, Mr Roberts,
you used solvents to clean brushes?
What would you've done with that
stuff back in the 1970s and '80s?
- Used solvent? Put it in drums.
- 35-gallon drums?
What would you do with full drums?
- Don't know.
- They just went?
- Never noticed.
- Did you dump them?
- No.
- Nothing like that?
- Never noticed anyone who did?
- No.
Just disappeared...
What were your duties
at Grace, Mr Shalline?
Discharge to the drains. Be sure
we weren't polluting the air.
Then you know that chemicals
were deposited behind the plant?
I don't know that.
Six barrels of toxic waste
were found there in a pit
and exhumed by city inspectors.
- You didn't know?
- Nope.
Back in 1965 did you
clean metal parts with solvent?
- What kind?
- That I couldn't say.
Did you ever notice
the name trichlorethylene or TCE?
I don't know.
But you'd put it in barrels
when you were finished, right?