Everything before that, we dumped.
- Jan, you're not listening.
- You've been out there three times.
I know why
you find this unacceptable.
But you don't know what it's like.
Riley is Woburn.
His employees are loyal subjects.
They won't talk.
Ex-employees, that's who
you should be talking to.
- Disgruntled employees, they talk.
- You want me to go back there?
This is THE case against Beatrice.
He's a liar. Go back and catch him.
- You got the medical records?
- I can't...
Just get it.
This figure here,
this 100 an hour for Dr Cohen,
that seems fair,
considering his pre-eminence.
That's for his nights in the hotel.
That's his discount sleeping rate.
- Your doctors have cost 900,000.
- They're worth it.
- Your geologists over 500,000.
- They're worth it.
The point is, everybody here
is working on this case.
There's no money coming in -
just going out.
You want to cut our losses now?
You want to get out
and throw away 900 and...what?
1 .4 million.
There's certain things
I've got to prove
and I can't do that
not spending money.
We have to see Uncle Pete.