A Civil Action

'cause of where I work
and everything.

I'm concerned about what's been
happening around here and...

I'm angry at the way
the company's handling itself.

I'm very sorry about your son.
Thank you.
He said he never dumped anything,
never did anything like that,
never saw anybody who did.

Tommy Barbas lied.
So did Paul Shalline.

Tommy, Paul and Joey
were out back all the time...

- Joey?
- Joey Miola, plant maintenance.

And the rumour is,
there's 50 more barrels buried

that the inspectors didn't find.
- 50?
- Or more. Here.

OK. Is there anyone else
at the plant that might talk to me?

I don't think so.
Bobby Pasqueriella.
He might. He doesn't
work there any more though.

Could you call him?
Yeah, that's the stuff got dumped.
All the time. Threw it
back there myself all the time.

Eddie Arsine - he'd say,
dump that stuff in the gully.

Out there in the gully, you know?
Dumped it back there
in the gully right there.

Washed belts and gearboxes with it,
and threw it in the gully.
