- Hi, Josh.
- [Woman] Who won?
- [ Barks ]
- Stop bragging.
- [ Girl ] Buddy won?
- Get your coat.
Sorry, Buddy.
You can't go.
- Love you. Bye.
- [ Whimpers ]
[ Chattering ]
- Why can't Buddy come?
- Zip up your coat.
All right, boy.
I'll give you the play by play
when I get back, all right?
- Okay, buckle up.
- You got your seat belt on?
-[Girl] Yes, of course I do.
-[josh] Too bad
Buddy couldn't come.
[Crowd Cheering]
Got tickets here.
Who needs tickets?
I have tickets.
Yo, tickets!
I got tickets.
Tickets here.
Come on.
- [ Blows Whistle ]
- [ Grunts ]
I got tickets!
[Announcer, Indistinct]
[Crowd Cheers]