- Yeah. I love football.
- Since when?
Um, well, since, uh--
-since l, uh, talked to--
- Mm-hmm.
I'll, uh, put this in the wash.
- Okay.
- Bring down your pants too.
All right.
Oh, not now, boy.
My head hurts.
[josh]It's never going to work, Tom.
I just know it.
Traveling doctors are worse
than traveling salesmen.
He's probably got a woman
in every port.
We'll just go in there
and check it out, all right?
- Whatever.
What seems to be the trouble?
- His tail bone.
- His hip bone.
- Which is it?
- Mm, his tail.
You know, the bone
in his tail.
Yeah, you know, his tail, it just hasn't
been it self lately, you know?
Mm, you know, no wag.
No wag?
Well, yeah, I mean,
there's something wrong
with a tail that doesn't wag.
Yeah. Exactly.
Yeah, so, uh--
Oh, um--
Well, you see,
Tom and I kind of figured out...
that-that it only wags
when he's lying down.
[Tom]Not when he's standing.
You know what I mean?
Hmm. Well, it, uh,
looks fine to me,
but if it'll make
you boys feel better,
uh, I'll get it x-rayed
just to make sure.
- Oh, great.
- Good idea.
Come on, Buddy.
I'll be right back.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I don't feel right about this.
I mean--
What are you looking for,
Anything that'll show that this guy's
a roaming Romeo.