Yes! Yes! Yes!
Touchdown! Yea!
- Yes! Yes!
- [Pepper On P.A.]Cole Powers!
[Cheering, Applauding]
- ยงยง [ Music Continues ]
- Yes.
Stop the truck!
[Natalya]Let's go!
Catch him. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
He's getting away!
[ Cackling ]
We've got him now!
That's it!
People, kids, dogs--
I'm sick and tired...
- of every body running through my yard!
- [ Groaning, Whimpering ]
Oh, he's getting away!
[Pepper On P.A.]
High snap. Cole's picked it up.
He's running!
He's at the 30.
- Forty!
- [ Grunting, Groaning ]
- Oh, no.
- Oh, no. Cole's down.
Nate, Mullin, come here.
- [ Whining ]
- [ Groaning ]
-[Man]Come on, Cole! Come on, buddy.
Getup! Okay.
- [ Whistles ]
Cole is hurt!
Is he all right?
[ Chattering ]
[Man]It's all right, Cole.
Good work. He's okay!
- Easy now. Watch it.
- Good work, Cole.
Hey, Ned, take him
right into the trainers.
You'll be all right, son.
Just hold it still.
All right, he'll be all right.
Powers got a dislocated shoulder.
- Pudge?
- H-He can play with that,
though, right, Coach?
[ Sighs ]
I'm afraid not, son.
Josh, you gonna be fine.
All right, come on. Get in there.
Come on!
Open up with B-52. Go.
-[juan] There goes our shot
at a winning season.