Been trying to pin something
to him, but it doesn't work.
Trust me.
He's behind all of it.
He runs everything
out of his house by the beach.
There were no white gangs
in Venice Beach...
before Cameron Alexander
and Derek Vinyard hooked up.
Alexander found in Derek
his shining prince.
he used Derek to recruit...
a slew of insecure, frustrated,
and impressionable kids.
This kid Vinyard,
he's got a lot of baggage...
as you'll see on this tape
we've gotten courtesy of NBC.
Earlier today, L.A. County
firefighter Dennis Vinyard...
was shot and killed
battling a blaze...
at a suspected Compton drug den.
We're at the Vinyard home now...
and Lieutenant Vinyard's
oldest son Derek...
has agreed to talk with us
for a moment.
Derek, if you could come
down here please for a second.
Look, I know this is tough,
but how do you feel right now?
How do you think I feel?
-I think it's typical.
-Typical how?
Well, this country's becoming
a haven for criminals...
so what do you expect?
Decent hard-working Americans
like my dad...
are getting rubbed out
by social parasites.
Blacks, browns, yellow,
I don't understand.
You think maybe your father's
murder was race-related?
Yeah, it's race-related.
Every problem in this country
is race-related.
Not just crime.
It's immigration, AIDS, welfare.
Those are problems
of the black community...
the Hispanic community,
the Asian community.
They're not white problems.
Aren't those really issues
that deal more with poverty?
No. They're not products
of their environments.
Minorities don't give two shits
about this country.
They come here to exploit it,
not to embrace it.
Millions of white Europeans
came here and flourished...
within a generation.
What the fuck is the matter
with these people?
They have to go around
shooting at firemen.
What does this have to do
with the murder of your father?
Because my father was murdered
doing his job!
Putting out a fire in a fucking
nigger neighborhood...