Name your price, cracker.
No money. For these courts.
And not just today. For good.
If you win,
we will walk away...
but if we win,
no bitching, no fighting.
Right here in front of
everybody, pack up your shit...
and get your black asses
out of here.
Fuck that. Take this bet.
Eight to six. Our ball.
Let's go.
Pick him up!
get back and play some "D."
Pass the fucking ball!
I was wide open!
That's fuckin' offence.
Get out of here.
He moved his feet.
You want to go, I'm ready!
Don't throw elbows at me!
You want to go, Adolf Hitler
wannabe motherfucker?
-You OK?
-Yeah. Give me some water.
You gotta call offence
on that shit.
Not on game point, Danny.
You can't let those niggers
get away with that shit.
It's game point.
Shut 'em down. Kick some ass.